You can pay for your team's participation with SmartumPay, Smartum vouchers, or Smartum SMS payment.


  1. Register for the event on the website and choose Smartum-Pay as the payment method. 

  2. Log in to the SmartumPay application. 

  3. Search for the event using the keyword 'MILO ry'. 

  4. Enter the amount to be paid and proceed. 

  5. Confirm the payment. 

  6. Send a picture of the receipt to 

  7. We will add your team to the list of registered participants once we have received a copy of the receipt. 

  8. Remember to fill out the team participation information through the link provided in the email you received during registration.


  1. Register for the event on the website and choose Smartum vouchers as the payment method. 
  2. Send the Smartum vouchers within 10 days of registration to the following address: MILO ry, Turpaantie 63A, 46710 Sippola. 
  3. We will add your team to the list of registered participants once the vouchers have been received. 
  4. We kindly ask that you pay for the entire team's registration using the same payment method. 
  5. Remember to fill out the team participation information through the link provided in the email you received during registration.


  1. Register for the event on the website and choose Smartum text message payment as the payment method. 

  2. Send a text message to the number +3584573960755. Include in the text message 4P334N and the AMOUNT, for example, 4P334N 150.00€. 

  3. In response, you will receive a receipt containing the payer's and the facility's name, the paid amount, and the time. 

  4. Send a copy of the receipt to 

  5. We will add your team to the list of registered participants once we have received a copy of the receipt. 

  6. Remember to fill out the team participation information through the link provided in the email you received during registration.